Engine looks pretty good

Thank you for your patience, I've been looking at other engines.

To learn, first I'm working on a short movie clip, where VR-MN is at home on Earth before being abducted to the Tarsahlian galaxy, before the alien kid attached the visor to him. He thinks he is about to watch some TV, when he gets a visit from a Tarsahlian ... who is there to test him for some mysterious purpose for a future that only she knows ...

This was just a walkthrough, ignoring small errors like her head going through the ceiling, and some quick stock animations that don't apply to the models very well. But OOTB, it looks really good, the lighting and textures look really good. I'm considering shifting my focus to videos because they would probably be much faster to make, or other types of games using this new engine without so much programming.

Any preferences, what would you like to see more? What direction? Feel free to comment, I'd be happy to have your feedback and ideas!

Stay tuned -- VR-MN's story will be told ... some day!

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