Unity: controversy is not fun; port to another engine

I really appreciate the interest this project has drawn. It is an honor and privilege to be able to present an experience to you that you may enjoy.

This game was built with Unity. You may have heard Unity's recent announcement of adding fees for their runtime. The response has been very loud, and there is a lot of controversy.

My goal is to create a game that is fun. Regardless of details or anyone's opinion, I think everyone can agree on a simple point: politics are not fun, social issues are not fun, real events are not fun, business is not fun, controversy is not fun, etc etc etc. 

I do not want my game nor my users to get caught up in real-life that is not fun. A game should be a respite from daily BS. I also do not anticipate my game ever getting anywhere near their thresholds. But what world do I want? I can make a choice, even though the scale is infinitely  small, I can make a choice of what I want to support or not.

So I have chosen respect but not support their new terms, to rebuild my game in another engine. This will involve a lot of learning, finding comparable assets, and manual work to rebuild the  game levels. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make weekly Thursday updates as planned until I can get the game in a MVP state in the new engine. I had big plans, and felt so good to have reached the milestone of a MVP game I could publish. But unfortunately a major detour for now.

I hope you guys understand, and I apologize. May you enjoy the game as it is now, and hopefully I can get back on track soon in the future. No idea, it could be anywhere from 2 - 6 months. Or, I am also looking into alternatives, there may be other enjoyable experiences beyond games that I can create more quickly. Either way, I hope I may have the honor and privilege to create fun experiences for you again.

Get Feet in Orbit of Doom

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