Wow ! and Goal: Thursday Updates Cadence

When I posted this game, I wondered if anybody would have any interest. A week later, all I can say is 'Wow' !!!  I expected 0 views, 0 downloads, but actually there have been a handful, and even a rating. This has exceeded all my expectations! Thank you to everyone, and I look forward to adding more to make the project a fun game that you enjoy. It is an honor and a privilege that I may present this game to you,

What more to add? Bugs, To Do's, Improvements, and my wish list -- bigger feature items that I hope to add at some point in the future. My goal is to post an update weekly on Thursdays, with whatever I can get in during the week. You can just download the new version, delete the old one. For now there are only 3 levels, so saving you game progress is a low priority. But there is a text file that saves it, it will be easy enough to back it up and copy back in. I'll change the file name from '_0.0.1' to the date (eg, _2023-09-14) because I'm a dumb ass and would mess up the counting.

Thank you again for all of your interest, I hope I may provide an experience that you enjoy!!

Get Feet in Orbit of Doom

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